A postdoc position is available as part of the project AlienScenarios (“Developing and applying scenarios of biological invasions for the 21st century”), financed by the joint Belmont Forum-BiodivERsA framework on biodiversity scenarios and supervised by Dr. Núria Roura-Pascual in collaboration with national and international teams. The candidate will be employed at the University of Girona and be part of the Animal Biology research group.
Research topic. The overarching aim of this research is to provide a decision support system for examining the future management of biological invasions in Europe. We developed qualitative scenarios for biological invasions at the EU level using scenario planning analyses, and now we want to combine these future scenarios with a spatially-explicit model of human vector movement simulating the dispersal of alien species to assess the consequences of different levels of implementation of the EU regulation on invasive alien species. The postdoc will collaborate in the development of the vector-based model and conduct the simulations to assess the effects of the different scenarios. Additionally, the postdoc will design and conduct a questionnaire addressed to managers and policy-makers in charge of managing biological invasions across European countries. The information provided by the questionnaire will be incorporated in the model.
Required and preferred qualifications. We are looking for a highly motivated and independent scientist interested in ecological modelling and biological invasions. Applicants should have a strong background in statistics analysis using R. Experience in one or more of the following areas/techniques is advantageous: big data management, spatial spread models, species distribution models, invasion ecology, questionnaire design and development. Proficiency in spoken and written English and a good publication record are mandatory.
Duration: 10 months, with the possibility of an 8-months extension.
Gross salary: 2300€/month.
Job start is May 2021.
Mode of application. The instructions (in Catalan) are available at the job offer call or the herein linked pdf document.
You only need to submit your CV through the online registration process of the University of Girona and indicate the following information: Call reference = INV18_2021 / Department = Ciències Ambientals / Project = PCI2018-092966 / Job category = Investigador ordinari.
If you have any problem with the language, the online registration proccess or question, please send an email to Núria Roura-Pascual (nrourapascual@gmail.com).
Application deadline is 25 February 2021.